Thursday, 30 March 2006

Pros n Cons of Having BSNL connection

There might be a lot of complaints about BSNL services but
But they are still the "First" and "Most" cheaper so far.
If you use even 150 mins permonth for STD calls, your money has already got the Value much more then earlier plans.
Do you remember the days when postpaid mobile connection (sept 2002,I bought my 1st mobile connection) was at whopping Rs.350/month and additional Rs.75 for CLIP. Even though you had to give arround Rs.2 per min for incoming and more than that for outgoing calls.
Entry of reliance made it dramitically cheaper, because RIM wanted to earn customer base, once he gained it sufficiently it also became as greedy as other players except BSNL.
Reliance has given same Rs 1/min anywhere in India plan almost 18 months before. But it was still charging 499+25+25 for the same. But Now BSNL has given the better offer for only Rs.299/month.
In the same order, no other company is providing broadband in smaller cities like Jaipur,Alwar,Kota. I don't think any private player will come to these cities in next two yrs atleast.
Also BSNL DataOne is providing the actual speed they are promising and also at the cheapest rate so far.
I am happy to have Click n See speed at affordable price, it may be costlier for major downloads like movies or video files but atleat for srufing is really smooth and affordable. For major downloads one can schedule the downloads for NIGHT UNLIMITED (2am-8am), available in Plans 500 and onwards. I myself has Plan 500 and I am finding it infinitely better than anything else available in Jaipur, and if not for BSNL I don't think anything else is sooner going to come in Cities like Jaipur (which is one of 15 largest city of India).

There is one thing which punch very much customer's pocket that is while you get 1024 MBs for 500 Rs i.e. 49p/MB, But every addtional MB is charged at Rs 1.20. Which is 2.25 times higher approx, and if use some addtional MBs it might come you dearer than expected. But Reliance BroadBand is also charing similarily for extra MBs.
Could someone elobrate why it is so?

And ofcourse like anyone else I am also waiting for unlimited usage for fixed monthly rental around Rs 500 to 1000, for various speed. Something similar or better than Airtel Broadband.

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